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Keyhole State Park Gravel Roads
Rehabilitating 2.2 miles of gravel roads serving campgrounds and boat ramp areas.

Douglas Primary School Pavement Improvements
Pavement replacement and drainage improvements for parking lots and drive aisles within an existing school campus.

City of Cheyenne Utility Main Extensions
1,400 feet of new 8-inch water main and 1,200 feet of new 8-inch sanitary sewer main.

Gordon Ranch Pipe Crossing
245-feet of 24-inch irrigation pipe carried over a river by a 60-foot long single span steel bridge structure.

Buffalo High School ADA Phase I
ADA pedestrian access from high school to athletic stadium.

Wind Creek Erosion Control
Over 400 feet of bank stabilization.

Veterans' Skilled Nursing Water Line
2,100 feet of new 8-inch water main.

Coulter Bay Campground
Phase 1: 11 camp site campground; Phase 2: 10 camp sites.

Buffalo High School ADA Access Improvements Phase II
ADA access to athletic fields.
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