We Make a Difference
We provide integrated solutions for the built environment by building leaders who bring passion, mastery, and purpose to all they do.

I love the culture at
KL&A We are like the 3
musketeers except there are 110+ of us. All for one and one for all! We all are working together to revolutionize the way structures are designed and built. We all have a part and no-one is any less important.

Amy Connell
Greg Reindl

I enjoy having the
freedom to implement
change in the organization
and see others at all levels making similar impacts on the way we do things. It’s also great to see some of my best friends at work every day, not many people can say that about their job.

Craig Shavlik, PE/PLS
Civil Engineering
Project Manager
Buffalo is great
because we get to
work on diverse and
interesting projects like the other KL&A offices, and we get to live in a wonderful small town with the Big Horn Mountains less than 10 minutes from town.
As engineers and builders, we are passionate about building secure, lasting buildings, and overall doing good work. However, everyone has different passions both in and out of the office.
We believe in fueling those passions through coaching - along with a supervisor and project managers, everyone has a coach to help set goals and navigate their career, aligning our staff with their strengths and talents.
Mastery in your career is a process of constantly working to your strengths and learning from industry leaders. KL&A has a training program for engineers and builders involving internal seminars....
Beyond the technical training, KL&A also has a coaching program to help navigate an individuals career, seeking out strengths using DiSC and Strengthsfinder assessments, to nurture growth as an individual and their contributions to projects and the orginzation as a whole.
Ownership is about more than being an owner of the company, we believe ownership is about taking responsibility for your work, and holding yourself and your team accountable to reach the best project outcome.
The team at KL&A is proud to not only take ownership of the projects we work on, but to take ownership of our community. Whether it's volunteering our time in our communities, our services through Habitat for Humanity, or our knowledge to future generations through Box City events; KL&A is working to make our world brighter and better place.
Outward Mindset
"The Outward Mindset" is KL&A's mantra, focusing on what we can do for others rather than what we get out of something. Our supportive environment goes past the what we do every day and looks at the "why" we're doing it, and how we can move upward together.
The work we do happens in the communities we live in, creating structures to be lived, worked and enjoyed in by our staff, friends and families fuels the quality of work that we do.
Our culture evolves as a new group of diverse people come in with new ideas which are then embraced. KL&A celebrates new approaches to problem solving and has changed drastically since its inception and have created various teams that ensure we are ever evolving in a positive manner.
Team DEI is focused on making sure we have a place of inclusion that allows everyone to be their best selves, bring unique ideas and individual perspectives, and flourish. Team Carbon is focused on the environmental impact of our structures and devoted to reducing the embodied carbon in the built environment. Team Integrated focuses on integrating our services to drive successful and economical construction.
Trust is one of the most important of KL&A's values, we nurture a safe and trusting environment, where ideas come from anywhere, and everyone has a place to be heard, no matter their rank in the hierarchy. We trust that our engineers and builders know what they are doing, and if they have questions, they trust that they will be answered and supported. We also know that mistakes happen, and we trust that our staff can grow from those mistakes, leading to innovative and creative solutions.